Bulldog Batting Cages
The objective of the Bulldog Batting Cages is to provide a recreational opportunity to the students at Kinston School that has never been available. Currently, students must travel via school bus or personal vehicle in order to utilize any type of stru …

Leadership Barbour
Leadership Barbour is an ongoing project (16th year) with the goal to train and educate citizens so they can lead Barbour County into the future. Barbour County can only progress as far as its leaders can take it. The Leadership Barbour program resulte …

SHORT and the Waterways
As a passion project, SHORT the Squirrel literacy initiative, was founded in February 2020 and non-profit status soon followed. SHORT’s mission is to increase literacy in our youngest citizens, and the programming strategy identifies gaps of time where …

Old Creek Town Boat Dock Replacement
The dock at Creek Town Park on beautiful Lake Eufaula has been in desperate need of repair. By repairing this boat dock, it will be a much safer and appealing place to launch from as it is a very active park. The boat dock at Old Creek Town Park, donat …

River Falls Technology Grant
The purpose of this grant was to equip two more officers with handheld radios, with a microphone device. This grant also helped to provide us with a portable pelican Remote Area Lighting system, that will help out Police department with training, wrec …

STEM Based Classroom
New Brockton Middle School purchased project based curriculum from Project Lead the Way. The two courses that we purchased are Design and Modeling and Medical Detectives. Both of these courses are approved by the ALSDE. We believe that this curriculum …