Opp Historic Downtown Landscaping Project
In 2022, the City of Opp was awarded a grant from Wiregrass RC&D to help update some landscaping on the medians on East Ida Avenue.

Wiregrass Smile-A-Mile Program
Smile-A-Mile’s regional programming seeks to meet families dealing with cancer in their own community. Over 90% of children diagnosed with cancer in our state are treated at Children’s of Alabama in Birmingham. Children who live in all four corners of …

Geneva Walking Trail Trestle Renovation
The City of Geneva received funds for the improvement and renovation of Geneva’s two-mile walking trail to include an old railroad bed. The trestle had become unsafe, even for foot traffic, and this grant helped repair the trestle so that section of th …

Dale County FFA Project–George W. Long High School
In 2022, the George W. Long FFA is excited about the enclosed trailer purchased through the help of the RC&D grant program. The trailer is going to be used throughout the year to help our FFA program. During the fall, it will help store and transpo …

Hands on Liberty: Barbour, Coffee, Covington, and Dale Counties
The Liberty Learning Foundation used grant funds to educate students on civics, history, and government. In 2022, 144 elementary students in 13 schools received curriculum kits and participated the training.

Ballistic Vests for Reserve Deputies
With the help of Wiregrass RC&D, the Barbour County Sheriff’s Department was able to purchase much needed ballistic vests and body cameras for their Reserve Deputies.