Kinston School is endeavoring to equip our middle
school and junior high science classrooms with “Science
Stations” in order to allow students the opportunity for
hands-on, active engagement in the science content. Our
goal is to furnish our middle school science classroom
and our junior high science classroom with a portable
science workstation and stools that can be utilized to
empower students in their understanding of science. The
Alabama Course of Study for science outlines various
standards that are best met through hands-on learning;
providing our students and teachers with the opportunity
to perform experiments in their classroom through the
use of “Science Stations” will be a great benefit.
Educational Objective of the
The educational objective of our “Science Stations”
project is to enable our students to have hands-on
exploration learning opportunities in the field of science.
The hands-on, interactive approach that science
workstations provide in engaging students can improve
test scores and instills a deeper interest in STEM subjects.
This project will allow us to enrich our science classroom
education and fill a void that our middle and junior high
school classrooms experience from sharing one science
lab on campus for grades 5-12.